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Live translation

This article explains how you can translate texts live in a special myGHL version.

If you have not yet created a crowdin account or joined a translation team or you don’t have a myGHL account, please read theĀ Introduction first.

Open live translation project page

Click on the following link to go to the live translation project:

Choose language

First select the translation language and log in.

Enter translations

You will now get to the actual application, which has been adapted for live translation by Crowdin In-Context.

To add translations now, you have 2 options:

Option 1:

Move the cursor over a highlighted text and click on the icon, which will now fade in.

If this icon does not appear, use the second option to translate the text.

Option 2:

Click on the “Crowdin In-Context” pop-up to expand it.

You will now see a list of all texts to be translated. Enter the text you are looking for in the search field or select one from the list.

After selecting a text, the following dialog will open where you can enter your translation:

In the translation dialog, you will see the source text at the top under “SOURCE STRING”. Below this is an empty input field in which you can enter the translation and save it by clicking on “SAVE”.

In the marked area 1, existing translations from other translators are displayed and in the marked area 2, you see translation recommendations, which you can accept by clicking on the recommendation.

Once a translation has been created for a text, it is highlighted on the page with a blue frame and is highlighted in green in the In-Context popup (see marking 3).