Süßwasser mit Mittagspause und Mondlicht
Mitras LX 6000 Attachments 2023-07-04_64a3f7b91bf87_Gernot_Aquarium_Mittagspause_MondlichtLX6000 (14 kB)
Mitras LX 6000 Attachments 2023-07-04_64a3f7b91bf87_Gernot_Aquarium_Mittagspause_MondlichtLX6000 (14 kB)
Sunrise/Sunset effect through separate channel adjusting to emulate the different diffusion of blue colors at sunrise/sunset. Red colors start comming in earlier in nature, creating the orange sunset. The profile is then adjusted with lunar phases outside of main lighting hours on channel 8 (Royal Blue). All the channels are modulated by seasonal lighting, thunderstorms…
This profile we developed side with an Ecotech Radion XR30 Gen 4, mostly replicates the proven CoralLab AB+ spectrum and was configured using data measured with an MK350S spectrometer. The uploaded image details the similarities and differences. Attachments 2020-04-23_5ea223edc20a1_AB (4 kB)
Ditmar 2xLB2 100 daylight 6000K mit Mittagspause Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623a787eb43_Ditmar2xLB2100daylight6000K (4 kB)
Ditmar 2xLB2 100 daylight 6000K ohne Mittagspause Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623ab99cbc0_Ditmar2xLB2100daylight6000KohneMittagspauseV1 (4 kB)
Mitras Daylight 150 Diskus 4990K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623b25460d3_MitrasDaylight150Diskus4990K (5 kB)
xfloh4_2LB actinic 160_14710K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623bba8f947_xfloh4_2LBactinic160 (7 kB)
fuxhartl_südamerika_2LB120 daylight 5600K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623c121758a_fuxhartl_sdamerika_2LB120daylight (4 kB)
Hapalopus-Mitras LX Great Barrier Reef – 6200HV 1.3- mit Nachtlicht_11290K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623cb01d967_Hapalopus-MitrasLXGreatBarrierReef-6200HV1.3-mitNachtlicht_11290K (15 kB)
Harald Mitras LX6000 Mittelamerika mit Nachtlicht_6490K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623d6da744e_HaraldMitrasLX6000MittelamerikamitNachtlicht_6490K (13 kB)