LB130Daylight mit Nachtlicht
LB1 30Daylight mit Nachtlicht 5600K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623a04afa6f_LB130DaylightmitNachtlicht (5 kB)
LB1 30Daylight mit Nachtlicht 5600K Attachments 2018-01-19_5a623a04afa6f_LB130DaylightmitNachtlicht (5 kB)
2xLB90daylight_2xLB90ocean _suedamerika Attachments 2018-01-17_5a5fbf8a45780_2xLB90daylight_2xLB90ocean_suedamerika (7 kB)
LB Daylight120 Malawi Attachments 2018-01-17_5a5fbfc12d9f6_DanielLBDaylight120Malawi (2 kB)
3x ocean 130, 3x actinic 120 Attachments 2018-01-17_5a5fbf0383509_GreatBarrierReefforLightbar3ocean130_3actinic120 (8 kB)
17k Acro dominant light schedule for GHL Mitras LX 7206 – Tested on Acro dominant 67g tank running 2x Mitras LX 7206 (Energy Options: 100% HO, Fan speed 100%) – Schedule is 12 hours long with a peak period (17K) of 8.5 hours at 90%. – In-between the peak period there is a 1.5 hour…
P3ex ultimate kit, Doser Slave & Doser 2 SA, 3 x Mitras 6100, 4 x 48″ T5’s on IceCao ballasts, Abyzz pumps, RD DC 250 skimmer with RD3 pump, etc. Attachments 2017-02-21_58ac6a4dcc586_lightcomposerproject80heavyUV (13 kB)
sps-dominated 650l 1.7×0.7×0.6 (m) 4 Mitras units, 20 cm between each. 20 cm above aquarium High off.mode, planning soon go to high efficiency with 80%. Attachments 2017-02-06_58986d305620f_Jonasfourthcycle2 (22 kB)
PL3.1T; Mitras LX 6200HV Attachments 2017-02-05_5897463bc0a5f_MitrasLXGreatBarrierReef-6200HV1.2 (14 kB)
One Mitras LX 7 over an IM 25g Lagoon nano tank. Currently dosing ESV Bionic two-part with simple brs dosers but want to upgrade to a GHL doser. Additional flow provided by a single Ecotech Vortech MP10. Attachments 2017-02-04_58962eec6cd7e_MitrasLX7Project1-17-17 (8 kB)
7:30 AM – 10:30 PM with 1.5h sunrise and sunset 12500K over the day 120 gal reef tank with LPS + SPS Attachments 2017-02-04_58962805897da_LX7206 (5 kB)