Hello, As Marine Biologist, corals and the underwater world are my passion. After owning multiple freshwater aquaria, I dove recently into the world of marine aquaria. My 200L tank was set up 3 weeks ago and is cycling at the moment. The first fish and corals will be added soon and I am particularly looking forward to add my favorite coral, Pachyseris speciosa. Its symmetrical ridges and plating growth has always fascinated me. To have full control of my tank I am about to order a Profilux 4 Mega Set and a Doser 2.1. However, I am still limited with my light setup. I appreciate the smooth light created by my double T8 fixture, but unfortunately the fluorescent tubes are not dimmable. Therefore, ramping the light and simulating a realistic dusk, dawn and moon cycle is not possible. Winning a Mitras Slimline would bring me one giant step closer to owning a Pachyseris speciosa, because sufficient light is the key for successful reefing. Thank you for considering my application.
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