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My current tank is a modest Red Sea Reefer 170. It has been running since October 2016 and supports a varying mix of fish, corals and inverts. It’s as much of a mixed reef as I could achieve on a small scale. The filtration is taken care of by the rock, siporax, skimmer and the…

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hello, my name is Giuseppe gattuso: this is my reef 120x55x55 (cm). light 2x gnc bluray (italian led light) 2x vortech mp 40 QD Skimmer lgm 600 sp I use fauna marin products: ultra amin, coral sprint, ultra min S and balling light with ghl doser 2.1 (fantastic dosing pump). I would be very happy…

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Happy Profilux 3ex user since 2008. Currently running 200 litre little reef with Mitras lightbars. Building a new over 1000 litre setup and the plan is to use a combination of several Mitras slimline lightbars and T5 tubes. So if I would win, I would have 2 slimlines out of planned four or six LED…

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hello, my name is Giuseppe gattuso: this is my reef 120x55x55 (cm). light 2xgnc bluray (italian led light) 2x vortech mp 40 QD Skimmer lgm 600 sp I use fauna marin products: ultra amin, coral sprint, ultra min S and balling light with ghl doser 2.1 (fantastic dosing pump). I would be very happy to…

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Mitras Slimline Contest Winner Hello, I have 96 liters aquarium, 60x40x40cm. In 2018 I earned second place in the Romanian Aquascape Contest. The tank was illuminated by a Dennerle Trocal 30w lamp. I want to try the new Mitras lamp! Thank you!

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I have a 200 deep dimension tank, controlled by the p4, 2.1 doser controls alk, calcium, magnesium. The kh director keeps it all in line! If I win, I would put the slimlines in the front and back of my display, then add 2 mitras in the middle. Would love to win these as I’m…

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I have an 80 Gallon display tank setup, but most of my corals, mainly zoanthids are in a 30 gallon frag tank that I am replacing with a 60 gallon that I just got. I would use the Mitras Slimlines to try and get better growth and coloration in my zoanthids and try the Ocean…