Until 10 March 2019, you had the opportunity to win 2x LED lights Mitras Slimline including associated power supplies for your aquarium.
A total of 20x lights with a total value of over 3000€ could be won!
The contest has now ended – thank you for the many entries!
In total 10 winning entries are marked below on this page and on our German website.
My current tank is a modest Red Sea Reefer 170. It has been running since October 2016 and supports a varying mix of fish, corals and inverts. It’s as much of a mixed reef as I could achieve on a small scale. The filtration is taken care of by the rock, siporax, skimmer and the harvest of macro algae from a small DIY refugium. I perform water changes every week and use a doser to maintain alkalinity, calcium and other trace element levels. Lighting is provided by a Mitras LX7 LED unit. If I was lucky enough to win a pair of Mitras Slimline units I would use them to start up another small tank with the intention of keeping pipefish.
Continue reading →My 75G mixed reef using both LED (GHL Mitras) and a MH lamp for illumination. I would really like to convert to full LED!
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My aquarium is 188x80x75 water hight Running on triton methode. With your kh controller and computer Wat to change from t5 and hqi to led and hqi
Hello, As Marine Biologist, corals and the underwater world are my passion. After owning multiple freshwater aquaria, I dove recently into the world of marine aquaria. My 200L tank was set up 3 weeks ago and is cycling at the moment. The first fish and corals will be added soon and I am particularly looking forward to add my favorite coral, Pachyseris speciosa. Its symmetrical ridges and plating growth has always fascinated me. To have full control of my tank I am about to order a Profilux 4 Mega Set and a Doser 2.1. However, I am still limited with my light setup. I appreciate the smooth light created by my double T8 fixture, but unfortunately the fluorescent tubes are not dimmable. Therefore, ramping the light and simulating a realistic dusk, dawn and moon cycle is not possible. Winning a Mitras Slimline would bring me one giant step closer to owning a Pachyseris speciosa, because sufficient light is the key for successful reefing. Thank you for considering my application.
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I would like add some extra actinic supllementation to my existing lighting setup. Aquarium is 180 US gallons with lighting I built myself (supplemented with Mitras Simus). A profilux 3 controls the entire setup, with first generation doser 4 slave. Pumps are original Hydo Korallias running off of a pair of Pump Control4’s. Its older equipment but I have been running it for over 10 years on a few different tanks.
I would like add some extra actinic supllementation to my existing lighting setup. Aquarium is 180 US gallons with lighting I built myself (supplemented with Mitras Simus). A profilux 3 controls the entire setup, with first generation doser 4 slave. Pumps are original Hydo Korallias running off of a pair of Pump Control4’s. Its older equipment but I have been running it for over 10 years on a few different tanks.
Continue reading →Beleuchtung für mein neues Aquarium . Mein aktuelles ist auch mit ghl beleuchtet .
Continue reading →I have a 1700 liter saltwater with all ghl lx7 and p4 which is 2 month old and now I’m extending the sump with a frag tank where the mitras would fit perfectly
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Hello, I have 96 liters aquarium, 60x40x40cm. In 2018 I earned second place in the Romanian Aquascape Contest. The tank was illuminated by a Dennerle Trocal 30w lamp. I want to try the new Mitras lamp! Thank you!
hello, my name is Giuseppe gattuso: this is my reef 120x55x55 (cm). light 2xgnc bluray (italian led light) 2x vortech mp 40 QD Skimmer lgm 600 sp I use fauna marin products: ultra amin, coral sprint, ultra min S and balling light with ghl doser 2.1 (fantastic dosing pump). I would be very happy to try the New Mitras Slimline (Actinic blue) in order to have much more blue and more fluorescence for my corals. I hope I can be one of the winners. here are some photos of my reef and some coral.
Continue reading →I would use these to supplement the evening viewing on my 150g currently lit with 4x Mitras LX7’s or my growout tank using T5’s for that extra pop everyone loves.
Continue reading →Happy Profilux 3ex user since 2008. Currently running 200 litre little reef with Mitras lightbars. Building a new over 1000 litre setup and the plan is to use a combination of several Mitras slimline lightbars and T5 tubes. So if I would win, I would have 2 slimlines out of planned four or six LED lightbars 🙂
Continue reading →hello, my name is Giuseppe gattuso: this is my reef 120x55x55 (cm). light 2x gnc bluray (italian led light) 2x vortech mp 40 QD Skimmer lgm 600 sp I use fauna marin products: ultra amin, coral sprint, ultra min S and balling light with ghl doser 2.1 (fantastic dosing pump). I would be very happy to try the New Mitras Slimline (Actinic blue) in order to have much more blue light and more fluorescence for my corals. I hope I can be one of the winners. here are some photos of my reef and some corals.
Continue reading →Hello I have a small fresh water aquarium, based on a local Irish landscape. I have a bonsai tree which is growing out of dragon stone, similar like the bend trees around Irish Sea. Green grass is like meadow for ship and bucephalandra wavy leaf is like holy tree. In the aquarium currently I have neons tetra with blue and red shrimps. Why I chose GHL equipment for my aquarium? Firstly I got GHL doser 2.1 SA as for my small aquarium I need to dose very small amounts of fertilizer. The 0.1ml accuracy was the key point. Then I read over internet that the Mitras LX is currently the only good light for SPS corals which I am planning to keep in my reef aquarium. So I got LX6300HV and LX6100HV. Having them I wanted to control the aquarium by computer so I bought P4 ultimate with extra floats and sensors. I can see a bright future for Mitras Slimline if I win them for the reef aquarium, as diamond shape of the tank will require additional lights and Mitras Slimline would fit perfectly.
Continue reading →freshwater aquarium – heavy planted – 926 l – dimension: 190x75x65cm. I’m looking for replace my old fluorescent tube g5/g13 lighting ( grow light + sun light ) with LED version, with dimming function and wireless monitoring/controll.
Continue reading →Dear Sir / Madam, Im upgrading my aquarium. At the moment i have chinese led lights. Because i’m also using (and am verry happy with it) the new Profilus 4 computer, i just spend my savings on the GHL doser and new Mitras Skimline light bars aswell (minutes ago i place order 401247). It would be nice if i could win this contest because it would allow me to make some extra additional funds free for my next wish (KH director). Anyway, great products, great contest. Thank you for this opportunity. Best and warm regards, Peter Streefland Netherland (Dinteloord)
Continue reading →I have an 80 Gallon display tank setup, but most of my corals, mainly zoanthids are in a 30 gallon frag tank that I am replacing with a 60 gallon that I just got. I would use the Mitras Slimlines to try and get better growth and coloration in my zoanthids and try the Ocean Blue and the Actinic. I would aslo get the controller as it sounds as though it has some great features.
Continue reading →I have a 200 deep dimension tank, controlled by the p4, 2.1 doser controls alk, calcium, magnesium. The kh director keeps it all in line! If I win, I would put the slimlines in the front and back of my display, then add 2 mitras in the middle. Would love to win these as I’m hoping to move to all GHL leds. Thank You!
Continue reading →200 gallon deep dimension. I would put these lights on the front and back and then purchase 2 lx7602 for the middle!
Continue reading →I have a 400 liter aquarium illuminated by two Aqamai Lrm and I would like to use these new ceiling lights to improve the lighting Thanks, Maurizio
Continue reading →my aquarium is a 240 liter marine reef currently operated with skymmer 45 kg of live sump rocks with algha chaetomorpha and live rocks reactor calcium with aragonite
Continue reading →Buongiorno possiedo un acquario 80x40x45 e avendo i t5 mi piacerebbe integrare l’illuminazione con le vostre barre.
Continue reading →I have a nanoreef of about 20 gallons. My nanoreef is the home for a couple of clownfishes (I’ve seen their eggs, it was beautiful) and for a sinchyropus splendidus. I’ve also a lot of corals, lps, soft and sea plumes and I think all of them would love a slimline on the tank.
Continue reading →Salve Possiedo un acquario di barriera e vorrei integrare i neon con le vostre barre
Continue reading →My reeftank it’s a cube of 78x78x55 cm with Carib Sea live rocks. Started in 2 February, the lights are 3 radion gen2 (2 pro and 1 basic), skimmer deltec 1500i, refugium like 100 liters. Now the tank it’s restarted after an ayptasia invasion in summer. The movement is by 2 gyre.
Continue reading →Allready have 3x Mitras 6200 for my SPS dominated reef, but need some ekstra slim fitting light along the front. Mitras Slimline looks perfect for that Bw
Continue reading →My aquarium is quite young, having been started 18 months ago. The measures are 100x50xh55 for a volume of about 265 liters. Being a beginner, I breed easy corals (soft and LPS) and some fish, but over time I would also like something more challenging. At the moment I have an HOB skimmer and I do not have sump, while for the lighting I use a Chinese black box (sorry for the vulgarity 🙂 but my budget is actually a bit limited). In case I will be the lucky winner of your fantastic competition I will immediately replace my cheap light with yours (which color temperature to choose?) to finally see the life in my small reef explode.
Continue reading →I have a marine aquarium 300lt for 10 years, for work problems abroad I had to put everything on standby, but I restarted well and now I have to complete everything with adequate lighting for lps and maybe sps if the leds allow it!
Continue reading →My reeftank it’s a cube of 78x78x55 cm with Carib Sea live rocks. Started in 2 February, the lights are 3 radion gen2 (2 pro and 1 basic), skimmer deltec 1500i, refugium like 100 liters. Now the tank it’s restarted after an ayptasia invasion in summer. The movement is by 2 gyre.
Continue reading →Shallow Reef 100x70x45, prevalentemente LPS e molli… gestisco il tutto con metodo berlinese, illuminazione n° 1 Hydra 52 Hd n° 2 Prime HD in supporto. Per il movimento mi sono affidato ad AI Nero 5 ed in supporto gli ho affiancato una nano stream turbelle della Tunze. lo scarico della vasca, secondo me un po sottodimensionato (diam.40) a breve interverrò creandogli un altro scarico sul lato opposto, scarica, all’ interno di un primo vano sump dedicato a Refugium ben popolato di macroalga Chaetomorfa ed è stato allestito con 12cm di sabbia per creare un sistema dsb, illuminanto da una lieve luce (plafoniera Blau) per sviluppare l’alga.dopo il vano refugium c’è il vano cripta con rocce e schiumatoio, mi sono affidato ad Uks-160. ho da poco allestito un reattore di Kh/calcio per mantenere triade costante e devo dire che per ora non vi son sbalzi degli elementi. Acqua d’osmosi auto prodotta.
Continue reading →Ho un acquario marino di barriera da 180 litri avviato da 5 mesi circa. La Mitras Slimline sarebbe l’ideale per sostituire quella attuale!
Continue reading →Saltwater Aquarium 360Lt (120x50x60 + SUMP) Soft Corals and Some LPS Anemones and Sponges Fishes
Continue reading →I have a DSB tank of 210x75x75 cm and it’s 5 months old. This aquarium in the future will be full SPS corals, with few selected LPS and SOFT corals. As skimmer I have a huge Royal Exclusiv Bubble king 300 and a Grotech calcium reactor. In this moment there are 5 Easyled bars (145 cm) but they are not enough to cover 75 cm of width. I had lost some SPS, and others lost a big part of zooxantelles, because I moved some of them from a T5 tank with some nitrates, to this LED tank with 0 nitrates and 0 phosphates. Now the situation is changing a little thanks to 6 Tang fish and a lower % of white led. I would like to win the lighting bars to complete the spectrum for a great grown and health of corals and the tank in general. It’s a very young aquarium but I think with a great potential. Thank you
Continue reading →Utilizzerei le Mitras Slimline sul mio acquario acqua dolce da 83 cm di lunghezza
Continue reading →Hello, my aquarium, is simple, it is an urn with the following measures 76x40x65, currently has been mounted for 7 years with fish and soft corals, my idea is to gradually take the step to have corals sps and lps and that’s where it comes for part of the transformation the Mitrax Slimline. My aquarium, although simple for me, is important and the best because it fills a little of my life.
Continue reading →I’m an Italian reefer whose nanoreef is full of lps, soft corals and sea plumes and I’m sure that my corals would love you slimline. So I hope I’ll win.
Continue reading →momentarily I have a 100 liter aquarium an ancient Po .. that soon I would like to replace with a 250 liters always marine, it would be nice to fit the new slimline, maybe even doing a video of the staging that I will publish on the instagram page and on youtube
Continue reading →I own a 80 gallons tank with soft and LPS corals. I like also gorgonians and colorful fish. I would like to use the Mitras Slimline to improve my lighting, that actually is made of custom made led bars.
Continue reading →Vasca 40x40x40 con scarico blau sump 60x30x30 skimmer bubble magus c5 risalita jebao dc 3000 pompe di movimento jebao rw4 controllo temperatura con stc1000 impostato a 24 gradi plafoniera gnc am366 piu 2 barre easy led deep metodo berlinese 13 kg di roccia viva prevalenza sps 3 ocellaris 4 turbo 1 riccio mespilia
Continue reading →My first reef tank ever, I started 20 days ago with a 250 liters DSB cube tank with It’s starting to live!!! I will probably not win but if I’ll win I’ll use mitras slimline instead to my actual light system. Thx Loris
Continue reading →my aquarium started on 01 September 2019 95 * 50 * 70h dsb, 4xt5 aquaristic lighting + 2 modules Ai led, pump electronic movement, sump with skimmer, some rocks I had already a year as well as some fish, I think if I win the bars will replace the old t5 neon with your bars (ocean blue and actinic blue) I’m considering whether to adapt the balling method or buy a football reactor because I would like to add acropore
Continue reading →I have a 280 DIY full glass freshwater tank running via a profilux 4 and lit by a mitras LED bar. I would use the slimlines in my sump for algae growth. ???
Continue reading →It would end up being a sump light (As I have just bought 3 x 7206) or I would give it to my fellow reefer down the road who needs a new light
Continue reading →I have a 40 liter 40x39x30 aquarium with a 20-liter sump / refugium. Skimmer Tunze 9001, lights maxpect razor 70 watt, 1 jecod jebao rw4 pump. I have 3 fish, 4 shrimps, sps, lps and soft corals.
Continue reading →550 liters, Berlin, sps, lps, skimmer ati 250 is, zeolite reactor, algae reactor, coal reactor, Zeovit system, it would be nice to be able to replace the two Ecotech G3 Pro with your new lamp. Greeting. Fabrizio Sarti (Florence, Italy)
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My tank is a Juwel Rio 125 and it has been set up to host betta splendens. Standard lighting is of poor quality: that’s why it’s always difficult for me to have healthy plants without algae (moreover the plants stretch out disproportionately, searching for more lights). Winning these lights would be an opportunity to have a more satisfying aquarium, to nurture my passion for the most demanding plants (like the red ones) and to improve the overall appearance of my tank.
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It’s a 250 liter custom made aquarium running successfully for several years with fish and soft corals. With two extra Mitras Slimline I will be able to add stony corals.
I have a planted tank and would be using the Mitras Slimline for additional effects and backlighting. I would also want to try these on a plant growout system to see if they could replace my existing Kessils and shoplights. I currently use Kessils on the main system for a rolling “sunrise/sunset” effect as each ramps up and down with a slight time offset to allow for a more dramatic effect as one looks through the end of the tank.
Continue reading →My current marine reef is in maturation from about 3 months during I’m insert some corals. In the next future I’m buying some fishes adaptable to the measure of the reef (e.g. Ocellaris, Chromis viridis) and above all that their will be from breeding (I don’t want to create significant impact to the ambience and nature, so NO fishes and corals “ripped” from the Ocean). My current reef is a Blau nano reef (misures 45x45x45) with sump, external reservoir tank, skimmer, etc and current illumination is made by one AI Prime HD (50w). I’m in prevision for the next months to build another reef of about 90x50x50 with more various choice of corals and fishes; in this case the current Blau reef will be used only with anemones and a couple of ocellaris and I will think about what is the better lights illumination choice. The technical characteristics of Mitras Slimline are very good so it will sounds good if I’d be one of the luckiest winners 🙂
Continue reading →Ciao sono Andres di Rimini, ho un acquario marino da 150lt , misure 75x37x55. Ho una sump da 50lt, con schiumatoio Tunze 9004 , movimento due Jebao sw8. Attualmente è illuminata da una plafoniera da 100w per marino Orphek e da due plafoniere a led auto-costruite laterali da 30w, siccome adoro gli sps circa 80% della popolazione attuale e vorrei aumentare la loro crescita e benessere , vorrei potenziare l’illuminazione. Vincere le due Mitras vorrebbe dire togliere le due “plafoniere” auto-costruite di dubbia resa e fare un notevole passo avanti, inoltre acquistando il controller per le Mitras potrei fare diverse impostazioni a seconda delle esigenze dei coralli e del mio gusto personale. Cordiali saluti Andres
Continue reading →Ich möchte mit den Slimline Mitras meine T5 unterstützen und etwas Pep und Farbe ins Aquarium bringen. Sie sollen die schattigen stellen beleuchten und meine Korallen farbenprächtig darstellen. Die slimline wäre als Gesamtbeleuchtung in Zukunft interessant.
Continue reading →Acqaurio marino a gestito con metodo berlinese, di dimensioni 130 cm x 65 cm x 60 cm 450 l, sump con schiumatoio e reattore di calcio, refugium 120 litri. Coralli lps,sps, e molli.
Continue reading →A fully powered aquarium with ghl stuff Profilux mitras dosers and propeller Arranging to build another bigger aquarium.. so started to collect products including new profilux
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