Software-Update March 2020

After five months of development work we proudly present a major software update! The new firmware version 7.24 of ProfiLux 4 offers you in conjunction with the latest version of GHL Control Center ( as well as GHL Connect many new possibilities and detail improvements. The most important updates are described below. Please note the…

Beitragsbild TOTM Oktober19, Martin Grob

Tank Of The Month – TOTM October 2019

Hello, my name is Martin Grob and I am from Zurich, Switzerland.

I started out in the reef aquarium hobby about five years ago. When I first started, I had a 500 liter/130 gallon off the shelf display which I ran for about four years before upgrading to my current custom 1900 liter/500 gallon display a little over a year ago.

GHL at #reefapaloozachicago, booth #117

Reef A Palooza Chicago October 2019

GHL is going to Reefapalooza Chicago! Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center, October 19 – 20, 2019. World premiere: See the new ION Director live in action! Fully automatic measuring of Ca, Mg, K, Na and NO3 without reagents. See you at booth #117! [vc_images_carousel images=”7542,7543″ img_size=”medium”] Of course many other GHL products are also on display,…
